We Are Not the Only Ones to Hold What We Hold
A man’s ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties; no religious basis is necessary. Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death.
Scientific research is based on the idea that everything that takes place is determined by laws of nature, and therefore this holds for the action of people. For this reason, a research scientist will hardly be inclined to believe that events could be influenced by a prayer, i.e. by a wish addressed to a Supernatural Being.
Only a life, lived for others, is a life worthwhile.
The minority, the ruling class at present, has the schools and press, usually the Church as well, under its thumb. This enables it to organize and sway the emotions of the masses, and make its tool of them.
Teaching should be such that what is offered is perceived as a valuable gift and not as a hard duty.
To me the worst thing seems to be a school to work with methods of fear, force and authority. Such treatment destroys the sentiments, sincerity and the self-confidence of pupils and produces subservient subjects. -Einstein
Science is concerned with knowledge achieved through query and cognizance and with making the knowledge about everything available for everybody. -Galileo
The Origins and Objectives of Jana Vignana Vedika:
Jana Vignana Vedika was founded in 1988 (on February, 28th, the National Science Day) as a result of the inspiration gathered from the Bharat Jan Vigyan Jatha (BJVJ), 1987 with the following set of objectives:
To popularize science and to promote scientific temper among people
To eradicate obscurantist, superstitious and paranormal and mystical practices from people by means of popularization of science
To understand the scientific basis behind several of the problems faced by the people and to explore remedial solutions for the same
To facilitate the fruits of science which are otherwise confined to the rich to reach the underprivileged also
To encourage quest for knowledge and to strive for national integrity, self reliance, world peace, social progress and cultural vibrancy
To encourage research in divergent areas with people’s welfare as the prime motto
To design programmes suitable to realize the objectives set as above
The Organization and Domain of Jana Vignana Vedika:
Jana Vignana Vedika, dearly known as JVV, is a non-profiteering, democratic and cadre-based people’s science organization with its units functioning actively in all the 23 districts of the state of Andhra Pradesh. It is affiliated to the All India People’s Science Network (AIPSN). It relies on the volunteerism of its members, generous contributions from people and occasional public funding for certain projects. It does not accept foreign funding.
JVV has a 4-tier structure, i.e., village/local unit, mandal unit, district unit and state unit. Every unit holds Conferences once every two years and elects the respective Committees. The State Conference is held after the lower units are done in their hierarchical order. Neither the President nor the General Secretary holds the post for more than one term consecutively. Many top scientists, beaurocrats, academicians, professionals, employees of public and private institutions, women, students, agricultural workers and artisans including illiterates form the membership (more than 40,000) of JVV. Interspacing the Conferences, each Committee, holds, every year, a Plenum to take stock of the activities of the passing year and to plan for the issues of the ensuing year.
Education, Health and Science Communication are the major three operational domains of Jana Vignana Vedika. It organizes a variety of programmes to create awareness and to draw the public attention on various socio-scientific issues. It also conducts training camps for teachers, students and science volunteers on the trends of science and technology and the method of science. JVV celebrates and observes major scientific milestones and anniversaries of national and international significance. It publishes and circulates booklets and pamphlets. It wages relentless but peaceful struggles against all kinds of superstitions and obscurantism. It elicits public opinion against the rhetoric of paranormal, quackery, unhealthy and spurious medical practices and other unfounded claims of prevention and cure. It is educating the people about environmental upkeep, ecological balance and sustainable agricultural and industrial development while uncovering the real culprits behind the abuse of the environment.
JVV and Education:
With the strength of several thousands of teachers as its members, the JVV organizes teacher training to make them enjoy teaching and promotes pedagogic innovations to make learning an enjoyable activity for children. It also assesses curriculum and textbook contents and concepts and organizes children’s science festivals, such as balotsavs, srijanotsavs, joyful learning, bala melas, etc, frequently on massive scales. Further, it has developed PowerPointÒ slideshows and software modules in several subjects of academic interest besides lecture notes and booklets. To promote quest for knowledge and bent of socio-scientific and technological awareness among school children, the JVV has been running the largest circulated Telugu children’s science monthly magazine, Vidyarthi Chekumuki, since 1990. It conducts Chekumuki Science Talent Test every year for high school children. As many as 5 lakh students have participated in this test this year.
JVV and Health:
Over the last few decades, JVV has actively been campaigning for people-oriented health policies and medicare. Led by a band of dedicated doctors and activists, the organization conducts surveys and analyzes the ground realities of healthcare at all levels while preparing village level health plans and cost-effective and lasting solutions. As an active partner of Jana Swasthya Andolan (People’s Health Movement), JVV has been critically examining the health policies of the governments and formulating alternative health policies while cooperating on certain areas.
Many were baptized to JVV when there was a Prohibition in the state of Andhra Pradesh. It was the Literacy Movement, spearheaded by JVV, and one of the many short stories written by JVV (Sri V. Balasubrahmanyam, its former General Secretary and Executive Member of the AIPSN) for the illiterates, that sparked the Anti Arrack Movement. It has been a milestone in the successful chronology of events of Jana Vignana Vedika.
JVV and Science Communication:
Our Constitution prescribes Developing Scientific Temper, Humanism and Spirit of Inquiry and Reform as some of the fundamental duties of citizens. Popularization of science and inculcation of scientific temper among the people is one of JVV’s major tasks and priority areas. Its modes of popularization of science among people include folk arts, street plays, dance, magic, sound and music and other art forms besides the usual speeches, book exhibitions, demonstrations, debates, presentations, etc.
Some of the activists of JVV regularly contribute articles and science features in vernacular dailies and magazines besides participation in electronic media and AIR. JVV has developed a series of radio episodes on chemistry and other areas of science with a collaboration of the DST’s Vigyan Prasar. Whenever astronomical events such as eclipses, meteors, comets, occultations, etc. occur, JVV would be the first to go to people at their habitats and make them understand the underlying principles of such phenomena lest they should attach obscurantist attributes to them and continue to be eternal slaves of paranormal and superstitious belief systems. Further, during events of calamity, such as tsunami, storms and floods, accidents, famine and other untoward situations, it gears up its human and humble resources to go to the material and mental needs of the victims and the aggrieved. Fake god men, unscientific medical prescriptions are on the waning due to the protracted activities of JVV. It has been rated the topper in celebrating the United Nations’ International Year of Physics, 2005. Its activists regularly contribute articles in newspapers and other print media while present demonstrations and air views through electronic media and debates.
JVV Publications:
One of the major strengths of JVV is its publication wing. It has been publishing and circulating different kinds of books on science, culture, history, education, health, etc. for all levels of people. Promoting reading habit from the childhood is a regular and ongoing activity of JVV. It organizes book exhibitions, reading festivals and readers’ clubs. Most importantly, it publishes and circulates booklets, pamphlets, bulletins contextually too whenever socio-scientific, natural or astronomical events take place.
JVV and Women:
SAMATHA is the name of the women’s wing of JVV. It strives to empower women so that they are aware of their rights and sensitive to their problems and become prepared for the remedial measures. They are encouraged to be able to tackle their problems boldly and amicably. Personifying woman with weakness, meekness and subjugation besides projecting her as a symbol of evil have become a typical aspect of TV serials and storylines of entertainment. JVV condemns all such savagery against woman while organizing suitable programmes and extending solidarity to the struggles waged by democratic woman organizations. JVV also holds frequent counseling and teachings to educate adolescent girls. Vanita Kala Jatha, awareness of PNDT Act, workshops on abuse and misuse of modern healthcare technologies, campaign against sex determinations, gender discrimination in domestic, public, political and other socio-economic aspects and abject marginalization of womanhood for commercial and other nefarious and cultural brutality of feudalism in the garb of modernism, are some of the major activities, Samata wing steers.
JVV and Campaigns against Environmental Pollution:
JVV organizes several kinds of programmes to bring in awareness of environmental upkeep, ecological balance, sustainable development, etc., among people and policy makers. It was a good activity of JVV in popularizing the harmful effects of aerated soft drinks in the light of the reports of the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) and the Joint Parliament Committee (JPC) besides other technical findings. JVV promotes sustainable, eco-friendly, need-based agricultural, industrial and economic policies. It sensitizes people against the ruthless consumption of natural resources. It ridicules the detrimental use of chemicals, fertilizers, pesticides, drugs and other hazardous materials. It stands against projects intended for profits of multinationals and the rich at the cost of people’s misery and inconvenience. It encourages industrialization and technological automation within the framework of people’s welfare and ecological balance only.
Jana Vignana Vedika and People’s Culture:
JVV is of the view that the present-day economic and political scene is either insensitive or collusive to the falling value system in all spheres of public life. Rich tradition, vibrant cultural heritage, people’s arts, safe and effective indigenous technologies, language and literature, ethos and decorum and other time-tested value systems unique to India, are on the decline due mainly to mindless imitations of western vulgarity and deliberate conditioning of the young minds concomitant to the exploitative political economy of the dominant class through its own but highly effective modes. JVV organizes frequent corrective measures to instill a sense of patriotism, sovereignty, integrity and value system based on human dignity, national pride and scientific rationale.
Jana Vignana Vedika and AIPSN:
As a champion of people’s science movement (PSM) in its own humble but effective might, the JVV is a constituent member of the All India People’s Science Network (AIPSN). AIPSN is a confederation of about 30 PSM organizations working in several states all over
Slogans of JVV towards Science for Socialism:
Jana Vignana Vedika views Indian society as one that is divided into classes; one, the oppressed and the other, the exploiting. It opines that the powers and capabilities of Science and Technology, which have been the result of the labour and sweat of workers of the world, are under the control of the exploiting class. Thus the fruits of science and technology are being enjoyed exclusively by the exploiting minority of the society while the oppressed majority class which is the true inheritor and producer of science and technology is bereft of its fruits. Whenever its control over the productive forces is likely to slip, the same exploitative class abuses science and technology to unscrupulously arm itself with war machinery and jeopardizes the world peace. JVV draws its functional ideology to negate this lopsided, unscientific and unjustifiable social order fogging the science and technological spheres of life. Hence, JVV’s major slogans are ‘Science for People’, ‘Science for Peace’, ‘Science for Progress’, ‘Science for Truth’, ‘Science for Self-Reliance’, etc., among others. It considers that popularization of science and promotion of scientific temper among people would sensitize and empower them to usher in a new people-friendly and democratic social order sans exploitation.
For Further and Any Details of JVV, Contact:
Prof. A, Ramachandraiah, President, Jana Vignana Vedika, Department of Chemistry, National Institute of Technology, Warangal, 506004, AP; archem@nitw.ernet.in; 9440629033 or
Mr. K. L. Kanta Rao, General Secretary, Jana Vignana Vedika, 3-4-142/5A, Lane adjacent to Indian Bank, Near Barkatpura Chaman, Hyderabad, 500 027; klkantarao@jvvap.org; 9440629037; 040-27563214 (Office) or
Prof. K. Satya Prasad, Convener (S&T), Jana Vignana Vedika, Department of Botany, Osmania University, Hyderabad; 500 007; kattasp@rediffmail.com
For Publications of JVV, Contact:
C. Mohan, 140,
Vidyarthi Chekumuki; Subscribe or contribute articles to:
The Manager, Vidyarthi Chekumuki, 15/65, Dr. Sounderrajan Building, Behind Tikkana Telephone Exchange, Brindavanam, Nellore, 524 001; 0861-2337450; 9849877163
Visit JVV at: http://www.jvvap.org
Basis and Scope for JVV and Its People’s Science Movement
Indian Constitution of
Role of The
…The Academy upholds the principle of social responsibility for all scientific effort…….the quest for knowledge and truth cannot be reconciled with any dogma…devotion to the principles of objectivity, integrity and freedom from dogma….promote the principle of rational thought of function and relevance, rather than precedents…
UN Declaration on Science and the Use of Scientific Knowledge (World Conference on Science, Budapest, Hungary, 1999): 1.Science for knowledge; knowledge for progress;
2. Science for peace;
3. Science for development;
4. Science in society and science for society
Power of Science and Technology: Science and Technology have been sufficiently established to feed all; to educate all to the university level; to give health for all; to render all people live comfortably as any high income group; to ensure conservation of resources by 100 fold
The Realities: But in reality10% of the people hold control on 80% of the world resources causing a lopsided social order and perpetuating nurturing dogma, obscurantism, pessimism, seclusion and fear
AIPSN Members:Assam Science Society, Assam; Bharat Gyan Vigyan Samithi, Bihar; Bharat Gyan Vigyan Samithi, Orissa; Bharat Gyan Vigyan Samithi, Rajasthan; Bharat Gyan Vigyan Samithi, Punjab; Bharat Gyan Vigyan Samithi, Karnataka; Bharat Gyan Vigyan Samithi, Uttar Pradesh; Bharat Gyan Vigyan Samithi, Uttaranchal Bharat Gyan Vigyan Samithi, Madhya Pradesh; Centre for Social Work and Research, Tripura; Delhi Science Forum, Delhi;Ekalavya- Madya Pradesh; Federation of Medical Sales Representatives Association of India; Haryana Vigyan Munch, Haryana; Himachal Vigyan Manch, Himachal Pradesh; Himachal Gyan Vigyan Samithi; Jana Vigana Vedika (AP); Kerala Sastra Sahitya Parishad, Kerala; Kanpur Science Society, UP; Lok Sehat Manch, Punjab; Lok Vigyan Sanghatan, Mumbai; Madhya Pradesh Vignana Sabha, MP; National Confederation of Officers Association of Central Public Sector Undertaking (NCOACPSU); Pondicherry Science Forum, Pondicherry; Paschimabanga Vigyan Manch, Kolkatta; Srujanica- Orissa; Tamilnadu Science Forum, Chennai; Tripura Science Society, Agartala
Honorary Presidents
Prof. D. Balasubramanian Dr. Ch. Mohan Rao Prof. K. Venkat
Prof. A. Ramachandraiah
Vice Presidents
Mr. V. Balasubrahmanyam Mr. N. Damodar Rao Dr. M. Geyanand
Prof. L. Pratap Reddy Prof. N. Venugopala Rao Prof. K. Vijaya Lakshmi
General Secretary
Mr. K. L. Kanta Rao
Mr. Ch. Anand Ram Singh Mr. Raja Mr. T. Ramesh
Mr. M. Ramesh Babu Ms. G. Satyavathi Mr. P. Sridhar
Convener, S&T Convener, Publications
Prof. K. Satya Prasad Mr. C. Mohan
Mr. B. Lakshmi Narasaiah